Our experts team

Nicolas Boulinguiez
Group Animator

Christophe Saboureau
Method pole

Mathieu Offner
Partners pole

Valentin Leboissetier
Networks Division

Xavier Colas
Method pole
Innovations Business Manager

Arnaud Goulut
Assistance pole

Elise Huet
Projects pole
Junior Business Manager
2011 – 2016: the first drafts
Aware of the ecological pollution caused by data centres, Nicolas Boulinguiez is looking closely at a solution.
He then installed an extractor in his server room to remove the hot air. Later and in a different location, he will test the combination of an adiabatic cooling solution and free cooling. He will go even further by testing the immersion of a computer in a liquid solution.
These successful trials will be the first green edge data centre…
2016 – 2021 : the era of development
In order to be able to implement its full-scale solution, it was necessary to find a suitable container for the integration of several servers. A rectangular stainless steel milk tank for example…
The tank was adapted to accommodate the submerged servers by a team in the garage of one of the employees.
This was the first official prototype – and at the time it was already able to recover 60% of the energy, equivalent to the heat output of a pellet stove.
2021 – 2022: the first production
Designed by us from scratch, the first demonstration model went into production. It will not escape a new performance test in the laboratory with an incredible result following technical adjustments: 90% of the heat is now recoverable. Our solution will be officially named HYPERION and presented at the Viva Tech international trade fair under the very interested eyes of Constance Nebbula (vice-president of the new Regional Council of Pays de la Loire) and the European deputy Valérie Hayer who came to meet us directly.
since 2022: the rise of hyperion
The deployment of the solution is intensifying, guided by the objective of acting quickly to green data centres on a large scale.
Our company is also following the trend and is moving to new premises to allow for the integration of new employees, and of course HYPERION is heating the sanitary facilities in these new premises!

Numains Group, a partner
to build together
your environmentally responsible digital convergence
Present in various locations in Brittany and Mayenne, Numains is first and foremost a team of people who are passionate about their work and eager to evolve on a daily basis.
Our various clients, whether in the public or private sector, such as local authorities, have trusted us for years to manage their digital assets.

Our company is attached to the French Tech, French Fab programme and the Coq Vert community, demonstrating our commitment to the ecological and energy transition.