The Numains Group is committed to a more human, sustainable and environmentally friendly digital environment.
Used for data storage and computing, Hyperion is part of your company sustainable development approach.
It guarantees the same level of performance and security as a traditional cloud solution.

A solution for all

Hyperion fits any organisation that uses cloud or datacenter services, such as industry, government, enterprise and service companies.
Your organisation can benefit from either a dedicated solution on your site or a shared version with dedicated servers.
We also offer a service based on virtual machines that are in the Numains group’s data centres.

A high-performance cloud service and the reduction of the carbon footprint are challenges for everyone, and the Hyperion solution meets them!

Services - Hyperion


Hyperion - Territorial communities

Territorial communities

Hyperion - Industry


Hyperion - Flexible technology


The solution is deployable anywhere in the world and has no constraints.

It works without air conditioning and we can use the servers in an environment with
a temperature of +50°C.

Hyperion - Controlling data localisation

to you

We can do an installation as close as possible to you within your company, but also in a mobile version in a container which will be your HYPERION server room.

You can position it on a site A, but also transfer it later to a site B.

Hyperion - Anywhere in the world

All over
the world

A team at your service, from installation to maintenance
in your infrastructure. Our teams of experts will support you during the installation of the solution,
the transfer of your data and the operational
maintenance of the solution.

We monitor the solution remotely to ensure a high availability service 24/7.

Hyperion in brief

Hyperion, in brief

Real-time supervision

  • Real-time monitoring of the solution and operational services through our Corridor customer extranet

Energy recovery

  • Recovery of 90% of the energy generated by the servers
  • PuE < 1.1 (before heat recovery)
  • Circular economy with building management


  • Turnkey service
  • Dimensioning according to needs
  • Installation on site or in data centres
  • Data migration from existing servers
  • Management and maintenance by the same teams


  • 100% biodegradable fluid
  • Stainless steel tank (food standard)
  • Made in France
  • Extending the life of servers
  • Reduction of the number of servers by increasing servers performance
  • Modular solution over time
  • Solution with a positive impact on your carbon footprint


  • No more energy consumption due to server air conditioning
  • 90% of the energy used is recovered
  • Possibility of coupling the solution with renewable energy
CSR - Hyperion

Some specific cases


Host your data in our secure data centres located in Pays de la Loire and Brittany

The virtual machines are sized according to your needs and located in our datacenters in France.

Virtual machine
used for Hyperion

The VMs are in a HYPERION datacenter located in Mayenne (53) for shared use.

Redundancy (backup) is provided at a second site within a 250km radius.

Warm country

Use of servers in a high temperature environment.

Stabilisation of the temperature of the heat transfer fluid by heat exchange with the outside air.
